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Angular 2 routing in ES5?

The Angular 2 ES5 cheat sheet says to do this:

var MyComponent = ng.router.RouteConfig([
  { path: '/:myParam', component: MyComponent, as: 'MyCmp' },
  { path: '/staticPath', component: ..., as: ...},
  { path: '/*wildCardParam', component: ..., as: ...}
  constructor: function() {}

However, I can't figure out how to specify the @Component stuff on that class so that I can actually instantiate it. For example,


throws an exception because the result of .RouteConfig doesn't have a .Component method. Similarly, the result of .Component doesn't have a .RouteConfig method. How do you get this set up?

I've done the following way which seems to work well.

app.AppComponent = ng.core
       selector: 'the-app',
       template: `
          <a [routerLink]="['Children']">Children</a>
          <a [routerLink]="['Lists']">Lists</a>
       constructor: [ng.router.Route, function(_router) {
           this._router = _router; // use for navigation, etc
app.AppComponent = ng.router
       { path: '/', component:app.ListsComponent, name:'Lists' },
       { path: '/children', component:app.ChildrenComponent, name:'Children' }

Since both ng.core.Component and ng.router.RouteConfig are decorators you can write:

app.AppComponent = ng.core.Class(...);
app.AppComponent = ng.core.Component(...)(app.AppComponent);
app.AppComponent = ng.router.RouteConfig(...)(app.AppComponent);

Hope that helps.

Here's a possible way I managed to finally get working. I'm open to others posting better solutions:

app.AppComponent = ng.core
        constructor: [
            function() {

app.AppComponent.annotations = [
        { path: '/', component:app.ListsComponent, name:'Lists' },
        { path: '/children', component:app.ChildrenComponent, name:'Children' }

    new ng.core.ComponentMetadata({
      selector: 'the-app',
      template: '<h1>App!!!</h1>' +
        '<a [routerLink]="[\'Children\']">Children</a>' +
        '<a [routerLink]="[\'Lists\']">Lists</a>' +

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