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React-Bootstrap trouble w/ ButtonGroup OR where to put modals?

In react-bootstrap , I'm trying to create a reusable button class that will show a modal when clicked. Ultimately, the Modal will contain an "edit" form simple for modifying one-of-many entries in a table/list.

Here I've reduced the problem to a simple "confirm" dialog to try to get a minimally complete example.

The trouble I'm having is embedding a Modal inline with a Button within a ButtonGroup is breaking the formatting for the button group. Specifically, the custom ConfirmActionButton will shown as a stand-alone button, not part of the group.

I know I could solve the layout problem by moving the Modal outside the ButtonGroup entirely (and maybe that's the right thing to do?), but that seems less well-encapsulated / modular.

Is there a way to make this render like a normal button group? Or is rearranging where the Modal lives the only real way forward?

Here's what I have in jsfiddle as an example:

/* A bunch of var 'X = ReactBootstrap.X' lines ommitted here */

var ConfirmActionButton = React.createClass({
  getInitialState : function(){
    return {show : false};
  ok : function(){ 
  cancel : function(){ 
  show : function(){ 
  render : function() {
    return (
        <Button onClick={this.show} >
        <Modal show={this.state.showModal} >
            <Button onClick={this.cancel}>Ok</Button>
            <Button onClick={this.ok}>Ok</Button>

var MyToolbar = React.createClass({

  render: function(){
    return (
          <Button>Click Here</Button>
          <Button>No, Here</Button>
          <ConfirmActionButton confirmMessage="Are you sure?" 
            Do Something

  someAction : function()
    alert("you did it");

      <MyToolbar />

You can just put <Modal /> inside the <Button /> of <ConfirmActionButton /> and remove the <span> which is breaking the btn-grp layout.

    <Button onClick={this.show} >
      <Modal show={this.state.showModal} >
          <Button onClick={this.cancel}>Cancel</Button>
          <Button onClick={this.ok}>Ok</Button>

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