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VMware and Ansible - Resource pools?

I'm currently attempting to write a playbook to deploy virtual machines in our VMware cluster, and I'm currently at a loss. No matter what is being input into the playbook, it will not recognize the resource pool.

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local
  user: remote
  sudo: false

    - name: "resource_pool"
      prompt: "Enter resource pool"
      private: no

    notes: 'Created by Ansible'
    vcenter_hostname: 'esxhost.local'
    vcenter_username: 'om'
    vcenter_password: '*********'

    - vsphere_guest:
        vcenter_hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}"
        username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
        password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
        guest: "{{ vm_name }}"
        cluster: DummyCluster
        resource_pool: "{{ resource_pool }}"
        from_template: no
        template_src: testvm001
          notes: "{{ notes }}"
            size_gb: 10
            type: thin
            datastore: dummystore01
            type: vmxnet3
            network: vlan48-internal
            network_type: standard
          memory_mb: 512
          num_cpus: 1
          osid: ubuntu64Guest
          scsi: paravirtual
          datacenter: DUMMY-DC
          hostname: esxdummy01.local

No matter how I define the resource pool, it always returns an error. In the official documentation, resource pools are shown off as being defined:

resource_pool: "/Resources"

Where "/Resources" , I assume is the resource pool, though this, with or without front slash, will not work.

Found my solution in a question on ServerFault. Turns out the way you need to define the resource pool is using /Resources as a kind of directory.

So to add a machine to the resource pool named 'TestVM', you would need to define the following:

resource_pool: "/Resources/TestVM"

Hope this helps anyone that's been in my boat.

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