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Using VBscript to hold user types and constants to share between Word and Excel VBA?

I am using VBA to automate some tasks in and between some Word and Excel files (Office 2010). Right now I have the VBA code that is used only by Word stored in the Word file, and the VBA code that is used only by Excel stored in the Excel file, with the cross-application VBA stuff stored in the Word file. However, there are some user-defined types and constants that I would like to use in both the Word-specific and Excel-specific VBA code. Is there an application-neutral way I can store these shared data types and constants in a separate module, such as maybe in VBscript, where it can be used by both Excel and Word, without having to define them in both places? If so, how do I reference that outside file in each template?

You could store them in a .bas file, and import an update. For excel, import using:

Public Sub GetModules()
    ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("modCommons").Name = "DELETEME"
    ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("DELETEME")
    ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Import ("C:\modCommons.bas")
End Sub


Attribute VB_Name = "modCommons"
    Public Const itest As Integer = 101
    Public Const itest2 As Integer = 102

    Public Sub TestSub
        msgbox "test success"
    End Sub

For Word, replace ThisWorkbook with ThisDocument.

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