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Ruby on Rails externalising Views

I'm primarily a LAMP developer that is slowly making the switch to ruby development. In PHP, I can split the page into segments (to maximise code re-use) using separate PHP files for each section. An example of this being wordpress, where you have a separate header / sidebar / content file etc.

Is this possible using Ruby on Rails? Would it be the equivalent of embedding a controller / view into another view? So far i'm a bit stumped on the way anything would be embedded because it seems there is a controller that has a route for a view, so i'm unsure as to which bit you would try include.

What you are looking for are called partials . You can create a partial, such as a sidebar or a footer, then render it into a template.

The official Rails guide contains some information about using partials .

Essentially, you create a file name prefixed by an underscore such as posts/_form.html.erb and you render it into the view

<%= render partial: "form" %>

You can also specify an absolute path from the views folder

<%= render partial: "/posts/form" %>

The same naming conventions of the template (eg the format suffixes) apply.

Here's how I implemented sidebar using partials. Hope this will answers the most part of your question.

First, edit application_controller.rb to pass variables to layout view. Use before_action

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  protect_from_forgery with: :exception
  before_action :set_page

  def set_page
    @categories = Category.all


next, edit layout view( application.html.erb )

  <div class="container">     
    <div class="col-md-10">
      <%= yield %>

    <div class="col-md-2">
      <%= render partial: 'categories/sidebar' %>

then create partial. You can directory access controller variables from the partial.

<div class="row">
  <% @categories.each do |category| %>
       <h5 class="media-heading">
         <%= link_to category.name, category %>
  <% end %>

For page screenshot and more detail, checkout my post .

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