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ASP .NET MVC - Multi Level URL Routing

New to ASP MVC 6 (and ASP in general) and was looking for some guidance.

Currently I've got a default route setup in this fashion:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
        app.UseMvc(routes => routes.MapRoute(
            "Default", "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}"));

In my application, I'm looking to have a few routes:

/projects/{id?} - Returns Index if id is empty/invalid or uses a controller Projects(id)

/projects/{id?}/phase/{id?} - Returns Project(id) if phase id is empty/invalid or uses a controller Phase(id).

Any ideas on how I could best set this up?

Thanks, Joe

I'm not an expert on routes, but this should work:

app.UseMVC(routes => {
        name: "project",
        url: "project/{id}",
        defaults: new { id = UrlParameter.Optional, controller="Project", action="Index"});
        name: "projectphase",
        url: "project/{id}/phase/{pid}",
        defaults: new { id = UrlParameter.Optional, pid=UrlParameter.Optional, controller="Phase", action="Index" });

For the invalid/empty pid, just use RedirectToAction() to send the user back to the other route.

One way to solve it is that to create a route to accept both Project ID and Phrase ID, then do the condition within any controllers

In your routeConfig.cs, create a new route:

  name: "MyCustomRoute",
  url: "{controller}/{action}/{projectID}/{phraseID}",
  defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", projectID = UrlParameter.Optional, phraseID= UrlParameter.Optional }

Then for example, you have a controller named project

public ActionResult CheckID(int projectID, int phraseID) {
  ViewBag.projectID= projectID;
  ViewBag.phraseID= phraseID;
  if (...check my projectID is valid...) {
    ... return to your project view ...
  } else {
    ... return to your phrase view ...

The actual URL would be something like this


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