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Change UICollectionViewCell layout on orientation

I'm developing an app in which I have a UICollectionView. The UICollectionView has different types of UICollectionViewCells in it. For one of the Cell, I need to have different layout for different orientation.

In portrait view the cell should have the following layout


For landscape I need this layout


What is the best way to do this? Also, I have to make this work on iOS 7 devices as well. Please help.


This will be my logic:

Add one more collectionViewCell For the landscape layout with a different reuseIdentifier.

Declare a BOOL variable like : BOOL isLAndscape;

in the implementation section.By default the bool value is NO or False .

Then check for the Notification if Orientation Changed! You Can set This Thing in viewDidLoad like

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]addObserver:self selector:@selector(OrientationDidChange:) name:UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification object:nil];

and whenever Orientation of your Device changed OrientationDidChange Called where You can do whatever You Want as Per Orientation.In your case ,if the orientation is landscape,then isLAndacape=YES; and then reload the collectionView.

    UIDeviceOrientation Orientation=[[UIDevice currentDevice]orientation];

    if(Orientation==UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft || Orientation==UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight)
    [collectionVIew reloadData];
    else if(Orientation==UIDeviceOrientationPortrait)
    [collectionVIew reloadData];

And in the cellForItemAtIndexPath method of the collectionView,add the condition check for the bool islAndacape and change the reuseIdentifier.

NSString *reuseIdentifier;

Thats it!!

DISCLAIMER!!! this is my logic.I have not tried this.Check if it works.


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