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How to load separate html page into a div on click?

I am really new to javascript and jquery, but I am trying to create a page that will allow the user to click on a Country name and information for that country will load in a div from a separate html file.

Else where I found this code which works nicely for this, using the .click(function) on the <a> tag:

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

            url: $j(this).attr("href"),
            success: function(response) {
        return false;

Here is the basic html:

<div id="contentcontain">
    <div class="partnercol1">
        <div class="container">
            <div id="menu" class="btn-group">
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data- toggle="dropdown">International Sales <span class="caret"></span></button>
                <ul class="dropdown-menu scrollable-menu" role="menu">
                    <li><a href="partners/belgium.html">Belgium</a></li>
                    <li><a href="partners/brunei.html">Brunei</a></li>
                    <li><a href="partners/bulgaria.html">Bulgaria</a></li>
  <div class="partnercol2">
      <div id="partnerContent"></div>

However, now every <a> tag on the page (including top and bottom menus) loads their href into the div when clicked. How can I target just the div containing the state menu to work with this function?

Make the selector for the elements you're attaching the events to more restrictive:

// this selects all the anchors below the items with ID menu
$j("#menu a").click(function () {

in your html, put:

<ul class="dropdown-menu scrollable-menu" role="menu">
    <li><a class="menu-item" href="partners/belgium.html">Belgium</a></li>
    <li><a class="menu-item" href="partners/brunei.html">Brunei</a></li>
    <li><a class="menu-item" href="partners/bulgaria.html">Bulgaria</a></li>

And in your javascript

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
  url: $j(this).attr("href"),
  success: function(response) {
 return false;

You're loading an entire html page, which means you're loading


and then stuffing that in its entirety into your page, that means you'll eventually have


which is NOT valid. If you're trying to replace the contents of a single <div> in your page, then either you fetch that entire page into a var and slice out the chunk you want, or have jquery fetch/insert ONLY the part you want, eg

$('#div_to_replace').load('source_of_new.html #id_of_element_to_use_for_replacement');

Note the second #... argument in the .load() call. That tells jquery to ignore everything in the page EXCEPT for the specified element/ID. Only that ID's contents will be stuffed into #div_to_replace .

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