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protractor wait on condition should not fail after timeout

Is it possible to wait on a ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf without getting a failure if the element has not become visible? I want to handle a situation, where a button might has become visible through an animation and click it away.

browser.wait(conditions.visibilityOf(button), 500).then(function (visible) {
    if (visible) {
        return button.click().then(function () {/*...*/});

I found out, that I can handle the rejected promise returned by wait to suppress the timeout error:

browser.wait(conditions.visibilityOf(button), 500).then(function () {
    // It is visible
    return button.click().then(function () {/*...*/});    

}, function() {
    // It is not visible
    if (shouldExpectVisibility) {
        // If I want to fail, I could reject again
        return protractor.promise.rejected('No such button');
    else {
        // If I don't want to fail, I do nothing  

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