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How to use babel-polyfill in gulpfile.js

In Babel docs they just say that to include import "babel-polyfill"; so that I can use ES6 generators but after I included that line in my gulpfile.js I still gen an exception : Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined This is my gulpfile.js

import 'babel-polyfill';

var gulp = require("gulp"),
babel = require("gulp-babel"),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

gulp.task("babel", function() {
return gulp.src(jsSrc)

jsSrc have maines6.js and other .js files. In maines6.js here is my generator:

function* anotherGenerator(i) {
  yield i + 1;
  yield i + 2;
  yield i + 3;

I don't know how to use this.. can you help me?

Since you're just using gulp and not some sort of module bundler(webpack for eg)

You should follow this guide https://github.com/babel/gulp-babel#runtime

  npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-runtime

and then use it like this

  .pipe(babel({ plugins: ['transform-runtime'] }))

Should do the trick :)


Seems that babel-plugin-transform-runtime add require calls to the transformed file, so I guess you'll need to use a module loader. I would suggest webpack, although there are alternative like browserify and jspm.

You'll need

 npm install -g webpack npm install babel-loader babel-core babel-polyfill babel-preset-es2015 --save-dev 

Then you'll need to create a webpack.config.js file. Here's a very primitive setup.

 module.exports = { context: __dirname + '/app', entry: ['babel-polyfill', './entries/index.js'], output: { path: 'dist', filename: '[name].js' }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\\.js/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel', query: { presets: ['es2015'] } } ] } }; 

With the config above the file structure should looke like this

 project/ node_modules/ app/ entries/ main.js dist/ main.js webpack.config.js package.json 

Then just run webpack from your command line. If you want to get the minified version run webpack -p

to include the polyfill you need to require it at the top of the entry point to your application.

import 'babel/polyfill' would need to go at the top of your jsSrc entry file

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