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Pulling text from a .txt file to insert into a batch file to run an exe

Im very new to this and would love some help.

Im trying to run a program in command line but i need to add a drive letter that changes and a part number that also changes. example: start "" "U:\\ISO\\fileTool\\file_Update.exe /m:(PARTNUMBER) /t:(DRIVELETTER) /v /l:logfile.text"

The program uses what is after m: for the part number I need. It also uses what comes after T: for the drive letter I want to copy to. I want to be able to choose if the v (validate) is inserted. I want to choose if the l (logfile) is inserted.

As part of the prep I have a batch file to ask the user for the part number, drive letter, if they want to validate and if they want a log file. The output of that is a text file that looks like this without the information in the brackets

text file output:

Variable One   = 1234 (partnumber)

Variable Two   = D (Driveletter)

Variable Three = Y (validate could be N to exclude)

Variable Four  = Y  (logfile could be N to exclude)

So what i need is a way to have the variable information inserted into the batch file and run the .exe file with the switches EX: start "" "U:\\ISO\\fileTool\\file_Update.exe /m:12345 /t:m /v /l:logfile.txt"

As Squashman already noted in his comment, you don't need a file:

@echo off 
set /p "VarOne=Enter Part Number:     " 
set /p "VarTwo=Enter Drive Letter:    " 
set /p "VarThree=Enter Validate? Y/N: "
if /i "%VarThree%"=="Y" (set "VarThree=/v") else (set "VarThree=")
set /p "VarFour=Use Log File? Y/N:    "
if /i "%VarFour%"=="Y" (set "VarFour=/l:logfile.txt") else (set "VarFour=")
start "" "U:\ISO\fileTool\file_Update.exe" /m:%VarOne% /t:%VarTwo% %VarThree% %VarFour%

CALL :run %*

SET "input="
SET /p "input=Part[,Drive[,Verify[,Logfile]]]"

IF DEFINED input CALL :run %input%&GOTO loop


FOR %%a IN (logfile verifyp) DO SET "%%a="
IF "%~4" neq "" SET "logfile=/l:%~4"
IF /i "%~3" equ "Y" SET "verifyp=/v"
IF /i "%~2" equ "" (SET "drive=D") ELSE (SET "drive=%~2")
ECHO(start "" "U:\ISO\fileTool\file_Update.exe /m:%~1 /t:%drive% %verifyp% %logfile%"


This would allow you to run as thisbatch 1234 dy mylogfilename

or simply as thisbatch 1234

to default to drive D with no verify and no logfile.

I misread that you wanted y to specify logfile = logfile.txt

IF /i "%~4" equ "y" SET "logfile=/l:logfile.txt"

in plac of the "~4" processing in the run subroutine should convert that to "use logfile.txt if last parameter is y"

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