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COCOS JS - Set the Label Text

Does anyone know how to update the text of a label on the Cocos 2D-x? I created a label on the cocos studio, now I'm trying to acess and change its content through my code.

I'm looking for a concrete line of code in JavaScript but I only found answers in C++ :(

Ok, Let's assume you have a similar line of code to create the Label somewhere in your project (this code may be generated by cocos studio for you):

var label = cc.LabelTTF.create("Label text","Arial","18",cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER);

Now, somewhere in your code you want to modify it's value. Here's the code fore it:

label.setString("new text");

Hope it helps

properties: {
        label_captcha: {
            default: null,
            type: cc.Label
onLoad: function () {
   this.label_captcha.string = "test"

The tutorial is at this link .

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