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fullPage.js One Page Scroll - can't scroll to footer after the last section

I'm trying to get to work the plugin fullPage.js ( http://alvarotrigo.com/fullPage/ ). But I have an issue with some part.

When I slidie section by section it works ok, but when I reach the last section and try to scroll to a footer which after this, it stucks. I can reach the footer only when I use a scrollbar.

Maybe, there's a way to reach the footer through the scroll?

Thanks a lot!

my code structure:

  footer is here

fullpage.js won't allow you to scroll to something outside the fullpage.js wrapper unless you use autoScrolling:false , which it doesn't seem to be what you want.

How big is your footer? If it it small, why don't you just make use of fp-auto-height ?

Without seeing your code I am not sure I can help but I can give you things to try on your own.

First: Do you want the footer to be fixed at bottom or scroll into view?

  • If fixed you need to tell it that in the script: fixedElements: '#header, .footer',
  • If scroll is what you want try one of these: In the script use normalScrollElements: '.footer', OR try putting the footer in the last section element

After that I would need to see your code.

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