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Need To Add Link to text of List Item without .append()

var link
$listSelector = $("#top5CompaniesList") //Your list element
$.each(data.result, function(i, obj) {
    link = $('<a href="dashboard.php#companyInfo?'+obj.symbol+'">'+obj.symbol+'</a>').click(function(){
        $('.nav-pills a[href=#companyInfo]').tab('show') ;
        return false;
    $listSelector.append('<br> Otherdata: '+obj.otherdata+'</li>');         

Using the code above I'm trying to add list items to a list that includes a link which I have custom behavior designed for. The behavior works, except that there's a line break on the page where each .append() call happens.I'd like the list item to appear as one unbroken line. I tried using both .wrap() and .wrapInner(), but those seem to replace the entire innerHTML of the list item. Honestly I know they're probably the solution but I can't seem to wrap my head around the logic. Any help or a push in the right direction is much appreciated.

The problem is here:

// ...
$listSelector.append('<br> Otherdata: '+obj.otherdata+'</li>'); 

First some theory. You can't add partial HTML to the document. The web page itself doesn't consist of HTML. It consists of elements, and HTML is only a markup language that represents those elements and tells the browser how to build them. Appending an open <li> element without closing it doesn't make sense in this perspective: you can't have half of an element in the DOM.

When you have $listSelector.append('<li>') you're appending an entire <li> element to the document. It's exactly equivalent to $listSelector.append('<li></li>') . When you later have $listSelector.append('<br> Otherdata: '+obj.otherdata+'</li>') it's exactly equivalent to $listSelector.append('<br> Otherdata: '+obj.otherdata+'<li></li>') – the browser doesn't "remember" that there was an open <li> tag earlier so it "fixes" the broken HTML.

The extra empty <li> elements are what cause the layout to look broken.

To fix it, first make the <li> element, then add its contents to it, and then append it to the parent:

link = $('<a href="dashboard.php#companyInfo?'+obj.symbol+'">'+obj.symbol+'</a>').click(function(){
    $('.nav-pills a[href=#companyInfo]').tab('show') ;
    return false;

    .append('<br> Otherdata: '+obj.otherdata)

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