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Powershell - Monthly Scheduled Task Trigger

I'm currently automating the creation of scheduled tasks via Powershell, and I'm using the New-ScheduledTaskAction , New-ScheduledTaskTrigger , and Register-ScheduledTask commands. Now, I have a few jobs that need to run under the following conditions :

  • Run once every Friday
  • Run once on the 1st of every month
  • Run once on the 10th day of every month

While the technet documentation for the New-ScheduledTaskTrigger command specifies a Daily and Weekly time span parameter, I do not see one for Monthly , which is critical for defining the run times above.

In the few years I've been using Powershell, I can't think of an instance where I could do something via the standard UI interface, that I couldn't accomplish using one of the available commands.

Is this just flat out not available here, or am I missing something?


I just stumbled upon this SuperUser question , which does look promising, but references PSV3 instead of PSV4 - going to give it a shot and report back.

As I said in the original post, the SuperUser question above looked promising, but ultimately did not work with PSV4, and the example given in the post was basically a copy\\paste job with almost no context.

I realized I could leverage Schtasks.exe from my Powershell script to handle the monthly aggregations, and it's fairly easy to set up, albeit somewhat tedious :

# set the trigger depending on time, span, and day
$runSpan = $task.SpanToRun;

if ($runSpan.Equals("Daily"))
    $trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At $task.TimeToRun
    Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -TaskName $task.TaskName -User $Username -Password $Password -Description $task.Description       

if ($runSpan.Equals("Weekly"))
    $trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Weekly -At $task.TimeToRun -DaysOfWeek $task.DayToRun
    Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -TaskName $task.TaskName -User $Username -Password $Password -Description $task.Description

#  script out SchTasks magic to create the monthly tasks
if ($runSpan.Equals("Monthly"))
    $taskParams = @("/Create",
                "/TN", $task.TaskName, 
                "/SC", "monthly", 
                "/D", $task.DayToRun, 
                "/ST", $task.TimeToRun, 
                "/TR", $filePath, 
                "/F", #force
                "/RU", $Username,
                "/RP", $Password);

    # supply the command arguments and execute  
    #schtasks.exe $taskParams
     schtasks.exe @taskParams

I'm using an in-script class to keep track of all the task properties ( $task.TimeToRun , $task.DayToRun , etc.), iterating over a list of those, applying the Powershell implementation for daily and weekly tasks, then switching to SchTasks.exe for the monthly spans.

One thing I want to note, is that at first glance, I thought setting the user context under which the task runs could be achieved with the U and P arguments, but that is not the case. That specifies the creds that Schtasks.exe runs under - in order to set the user context for the task, you must use RU and RP .

In addition to the link above, these two were also very helpful :



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