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How to resize additional input in jquery ui Datepicker?

How can I set the width of dynamically added input fields which are getting values via a jQueryUI datepicker widget?

I have 2 inputs, "Calendar input" is where we are choosing date and it will be added automatically inside of our additional input via altField method (core method of datepicker). So can I dynamically resize the input make it lesser\\larger?

Additional input: <input type="text" id="alternate" value="December,19 2015"><br>
Calendar input: <input type="text" id="from">    
    defaultDate: "+1w",
    changeMonth: true,
    numberOfMonths: 1,
    altField: "#alternate",
    altFormat: "MM d, yy",
    onClose: function (selectedDate) {
        $("#to").datepicker("option", "minDate", selectedDate);

Here is a link to the fiddle - https://jsfiddle.net/mhf7kxo4/

Do you mean like this?


    defaultDate: "+1w",
    changeMonth: true,
    numberOfMonths: 1,
    altField: "#alternate",
    altFormat: "MM d, yy",
    onClose: function (selectedDate) {
        $("#to").datepicker("option", "minDate", selectedDate);

jsFiddle Demo

If you do not wish to use a plugin, you might wish to see this solution:

Adjust width of input field to its input

As you just want to do some stuff on datepicker date selection you can just add your stuff in the onClose or onSelect callback of the date picker


        defaultDate: "+1w",
        changeMonth: true,
        numberOfMonths: 1,
        altField: "#alternate",
        altFormat: "MM d, yy",
        onClose: function (selectedDate) {
            // do you stuff over here

            $("#to").datepicker("option", "minDate", selectedDate);

Here is a working fiddle of what you are looking for.

Basic input autoresize plugin ( just extended isValidWidthChange limitation of this one ) :

    $.fn.autoResizeInput= function(o) {

    o = $.extend({
        maxWidth: 1000,
        minWidth: 0,
        comfortZone: 70
    }, o);


        var minWidth = o.minWidth || $(this).width(),
            val = '',
            input = $(this),
            testSubject = $('<tester/>').css({
                position: 'absolute',
                top: -9999,
                left: -9999,
                width: 'auto',
                fontSize: input.css('fontSize'),
                fontFamily: input.css('fontFamily'),
                fontWeight: input.css('fontWeight'),
                letterSpacing: input.css('letterSpacing'),
                whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
            check = function() {

                if (val === (val = input.val())) {return;}

                // Enter new content into testSubject
                var escaped = val.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/\s/g,'&nbsp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');

                // Calculate new width + whether to change
                var testerWidth = testSubject.width(),
                    newWidth = (testerWidth + o.comfortZone) >= minWidth ? testerWidth + o.comfortZone : minWidth,
                    currentWidth = input.width(),
                    isValidWidthChange = ( (newWidth < currentWidth || newWidth > currentWidth )&& newWidth >= minWidth)
                                         || (newWidth > minWidth && newWidth < o.maxWidth);

                // Animate width
                if (isValidWidthChange) {



        $(this).bind('keyup keydown blur update', check);


    return this;


Just add these lines too:

        defaultDate: "+1w",
        changeMonth: true,
        numberOfMonths: 1,
        altField: "#alternate",
        altFormat: "MM d, yy",
        onClose: function (selectedDate) {
            $("#to").datepicker("option", "minDate", selectedDate);
            maxWidth: 18,
            minWidth: 11,
            comfortZone: 5

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