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adding blur effect to background of a log in view controller in swift

I am setting a background image to a parse login view controller. But also want to add this background How can I achieve this?

Here is the code I am using:

backgroundImage.image = UIImage(named: "Melbourne")
    let blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: UIBlurEffectStyle.Dark)
    let blurEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect)
    blurEffectView.frame = view.bounds

The problem is that this blurs everything including all the buttons and username and password fields. What can I do?

It is because you are adding your blur view over all the subviews of the view controllers.

try to insert at specific index in view hierarchy.

I have no proper idea of the view hierarchy of your viewController. Do it using try&Error method like below.

try below code.

view.insertSubview(blurEffectView, atIndex: 1);

if not works try by increasing the index value 2 and so on.

view.insertSubview(blurEffectView, atIndex: 2);// if not change it to 3

It will surely works with specific value.

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