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Chaining asynchronous AJAX calls with Angularjs

I'm using Angularjs and i have made this service with multiples functions that returns promises .

My AJAX service :

    .factory('serviceAjax', function serviceAjax($http) {


          return $http.get(path);

        fileList: function(site_url,dataSet,varName,region,date){
          return $http.get(site_url + "mwf/" + dataSet + "/" +varName + "/" + region + "/" + date + "/filelist/");
        config: function(site_url,dataSet){
          return $http.get(site_url + "mwf/" + dataSet + "/config/");


Controller code

I have already done something like this but as i may have more requests chained i think that's not the best way to do this :

serviceAjax.config(site_url,$scope.dataset).then function(data){

          $scope.configDatasets = data.data;


What i want to do is first Call in my controller config and then wait for it to finish then call configDataSets . what's the best way to do it, i have tried to look at $q and differed but i can't seem to figure out how to do it. Any help would be great!

Just use the .then method exposed by the promise:

serviceAjax.config(function(response) {
     // use response.data from first call
}).then(function() {
     return serviceAjax.configDataSets("images/configDatasets.json");
}).then(function(response) {
     // use response.data from second call

Also, consider using $resource instead of $http if your HTTP service follows typical RESTful usage.

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