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Reactive Cocoa - then on custom signal vs UI signal

I'm starting to work with Reactive Cocoa so I've written a little test to see whether I understand construct. 构造。 The goal was to output text from a text field to the label only after some signal is sent. I've tried rac_signalForControlEvents(UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside) and VERY simple custom signal. Former does not even call closure while the latter does work as intended. 关闭,而后者确实按预期工作。 What is the problem here?

func someSetupFunction()
#if true
    // Why does this doesn't work?

            let strongSelf = weakSelf
            return strongSelf?.textField.rac_textSignal()
        { object in
            let strongSelf = weakSelf
            strongSelf?.label.text = object as! String! + " - 0"
    // ... but this does?

            let strongSelf = weakSelf
            return strongSelf?.textField.rac_textSignal()
        { object in
            let strongSelf = weakSelf
            strongSelf?.label.text = object as! String! + " - 1"

func customSignal() -> RACSignal
    return RACSignal.createSignal
        { subscriber in
            return nil

From the docs for then :

Ignores all nexts from the receiver, waits for the receiver to complete, then subscribes to a new signal.

button.rac_signalForControlEvents does not complete (at least not on a button tap), thats why nothing happens.

Original answer by iv-mexx can be found at https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa/issues/2671

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