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Upgrading to Yii2, ORM not functional

I'm upgrading a big project form Yii1 to Yii2. I'm having some problems regarding to ORM.

I have several relation declared in the following fashion(basically a copy-paste from the guidebook ):

class Order extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord {

/* other code */

public function getAffiliate()
    return $this->hasOne(Affiliate::className(), ['id_affiliate' => 'affiliate_id']);

Whenever I try to echo or w/e $order->affiliate->name ; I get the following error:

yii\base\ErrorException: Trying to get property of non-object

I've got no experience with Yii1 what so ever. Something weird about this project is the database. All tables start with yii_tablename and id's are: id_tablename . Was that normal for Yii1 and could this be causing the issue above?

Edit : When I execute the function like so: $order->getAffilate() it returns an ActiveQuery WITHOUT the data from the affiliate.

When I execute the following:


I get a weird error:

Getting unknown property: app\models\Order::billing
return $this->hasOne(Affiliate::className(), ['id_affiliate' => 'affiliate_id']);

It's mean that when you call $order->affiliate yii2 will find in Affiliate table on id_affiliate field current Order affiliate_id value and selected one value.

Check that you have right field names and database have right data.

When you call $order->affiliate you will get Affiliate object. But if you call $order->getAffiliate() you will get ActiveQuery object.

I found a solution. One which I don't really like though, but it does the job. Was reading this thread: link .

Kartik V

The problem is clearly in uniqueness in naming your relation and your model attribute. In your User model, you have an attribute named role and you also have a relation getter named getRole.

So I changed the name of the getter like so:

public function getOrderAffiliate()
    return $this->hasOne(Affiliate::className(), ['id_affiliate' => 'affiliate_id']);

And that fixed the issue. Never had this issue before and wonder why this happened though.

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