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ES6 import “module” don't give acces to function of “module”

I am trying to use ES6 imorts with babel and Node.js

import "./utils.js";

log("something"); //throw an error : log is not defined

My utils.js look like this :

function log(... params){
    console.log(... params);

log("module utils executed");
//Is executed and display "module utils executed" in the console.

I have also tryed to use export function log(... params) and export default log(... params) but it doesn't works.

So I don't understand how this is suppose to works...


I know that an other way to import is to do import utils from "./utils.js"

But it's not what I want. I want to be able to use log() without prefixing it with the module variable name. Like in this blog post

there Different ES6 import and Node.js require Question Describe The Difference

In case you will use Node.js require :

your utils.js File will be

function log(params) {

module.exports = {

The other File will import your Utils Module will be

var utils = require('./utils');

In case you will use ES6 Modules:

your utils.js File will be

var log = function (params) {

var utils = {
    log: log

export default utils;

The other File will import your Utils Module will be

import utils from 'utils';



According to your Comment , Yes you can do this But using ES6 Module

your utils.js File will be

function log(params) {

function anotherLog(params) {

export { log, anotherLog }

The other File will import your Utils Module will be

import { log } from 'utils';


No, there is no way to import all exported members of a module into the current namespace. Importing a module for side effects (ie import 'utils' ) does nothing with the members of utils .

The closest you can get is something like this:


export function log(...params) { ... }
export function foo(a) { ... }


import * as u from './utils';
u.log(1, 2, 3);


import { log, foo } from './utils';
log(1, 2, 3);

One of the design goals of the ES6 module spec is a static module structure, which allows resolution of imports at compile time (before executing anything). Allowing blanket imports would make static analysis more difficult.

EDIT ( do not do this! )

As @Bergi pointed out in the comments, you can add functions to the global namespace as follows:


function log(...params) { ... }
global.log = log;


import './utils';  // import for side effects, add properties to the global object
log(1, 2, 3);      // the global object is in the scope chain, so this is resolved

However this is a bad idea . Global variables are slow to resolve and in general break the modularity you try to achieve by using modules in the first place.

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