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NPM: Can't require globally installed module

I am trying to require the NPM package browserify , which I have installed globally through this command:

npm install -g browserify

This is the file bundle.js in which I try to require browserify:

var browserify = require('browserify');
var fs = require('fs');
var b = browserify();

var outputFileStream = fs.createWriteStream('./test_bundle.js');

b.bundle().pipe(outputFileStream);  // process.stdout

When I do node build.js I get this error:

Error: Cannot find module 'browserify'
( etcetera...)

If I then instead install browserify locally:

npm install -g browserify

I get no error and the build goes just fine.

I have uploaded a small demo program to this Github repository:


So if you're on a Windows 7 machine, you should be able to reproduce my error simply by cloning:

git clone https://github.com/loldrup/test_require

and running:

node build


even after adding relevant node paths to my system variable 'path', and restarted the command promt, I still can't require globally installed node modules:


Node.js doesn't look in the folder where global modules are installed by default.

Add module.paths.push(' path to global node_modules ') at the beginning of the script or set up the enviroment variables .

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