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Gulp-rename files with ordinal numbers - starting index from the higest number in folder

I want to write a gulp task where all the files from one folder being moved to another, renamed using numbers.

I have this task so far:

  var index = 0;

gulp.task("jpg", function () {
    return gulp.src('img/new/**.{jpg,JPG}')
            .pipe(rename(function (path) {
                path.basename = (index++);
                path.dirname += "/full_size";
                path.extname = ".jpg";
                return path;

I was wondering how I can write script which would check what is the highest numbers already in the folder and update var index accordingly so files won't be overwritten.

With gulp I almost do not have experience. I guess it can be done much more efficiently. I tried it with another directory structure and it work for me. First you must require file system module so put this on the top of your gulp file:

const fs = require('fs');

Here is the modified gulp task:

 * Gulp task edited by Georgi Naumov
 * gonaumov@gmail.com for contacts
 * and suggestions.
gulp.task("jpg", function () {
    var files = fs.readdirSync('img/gallery/full_size/'), index = 0;

    // here we will find maximum number of index
    // keep in mind that this is very inefficient.
    files.forEach(function (currentFile) {
        var currentIndex = (/^([0-9]+)\.jpg$/i.exec(currentFile) || [, false])[1];
        if (currentIndex && parseInt(currentIndex) >= index) {
            index = ++currentIndex;

    return gulp.src('img/new/**.{jpg,JPG}')
        .pipe(rename(function (path) {
            path.basename = (index++);
            path.dirname += "/full_size";
            path.extname = ".jpg";
            return path;

If the performance is important in this case we can execute shell command, which can take the file with the greatest number, but the task will no longer be platform independent.


I think that the isolating of logic to find the maximum number in the package is a good idea. So I just published npm package. You can install and use it.

For installation you must use:

npm install --save npm-max-dir-index

After this you can use it in this way:

const maxDirIndex = require('npm-max-dir-index');

 * Gulp task edited by Georgi Naumov
 * gonaumov@gmail.com for contacts
 * and suggestions.
gulp.task("jpg", function () {
    var index = maxDirIndex('img/gallery/full_size/', '^([0-9]+)\.jpg$');    

    return gulp.src('img/new/**.{jpg,JPG}')
        .pipe(rename(function (path) {
            path.basename = (index++);
            path.dirname += "/full_size";
            path.extname = ".jpg";
            return path;

Here can be read package documentation (I just updated the docs):


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