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How to bind return value to model in angular

I have multiple date time inputs in an angular app.

I want to set the value to now on blur of an input. I have accomplished this in multiple locations using ng-blur and calling a function.

The issue is I have multiple inputs and it seems stupid to have multiple functions doing the exact same thing other than which property to update on a model. What is the better way to handle this.

One other catch is that if there is already data to not update. Again I have the logic, but just need to know how to pass the model to a function and set the return value to it.

Create a function in your controller to set a passed object to the current date/time:

$scope.setNow = function(dateObject) {
    if (!dateObject) dateObject = new Date();

Then in your view, whatever date is being displayed can be passed to the model through whatever event you want to use (ng-blur, ng-click, etc)

<div ng-click="setNow(thisDate)">
    {{thisDate | date : 'hh:mm:ss'}}

<div ng-click="setNow(thisOtherDate)">
    {{thisOtherDate | date : 'hh:mm:ss'}}

<input type="text" ng-model="Task.StartDate" ng-blur="setNow(Task.StartDate)" >
<input type="text" ng-model="Task.EndDate" ng-blur="setNow(Task.EndDate)" >

Sounds like you could use a directive.

<input ng-model="myDateField1" my-date-setter>

Then your directive:

app.directive('myDateSetter', function () {   
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    require: '^ngModel',
    link: function (scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
        elem.on('blur', function () {
           if (!elem.val()) ctrl.$setViewValue(new Date());

Then you can apply the directive wherever needed.

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