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Coded UI Test Builder Causes My Visual Studio Apps To Crash

I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 installed on Windows 10. I try to generate Coded UI tests but Coded UI Test Builder program causes my apps to crash. No matter what kind of application I careate, it crashes when I click on a control within my application of hit Ctrl+I on one of the controls on my application. I have tried it with every application I create, I changed .Net framework versions but result was always the same. There was no error message, no exception dialog, only the annoying message "Your program has stopped working". I tried to enable/disable Visual Studio Host Process but nothing changed. Coded UI Test Builder can record input from every other application but can never do it from any application I generate using VS2015. Can anyone figure out why? Thanks

就像史蒂夫(Steve)在Visual Studio 2012-编码的UI测试不会运行中所说的那样,我的Visual Studio版本既不是Ultimate也不是Premium,因此它似乎不支持编码的UI测试(如史蒂夫(Steve)提供的链接中所述: https:// www.visualstudio.com/products/compare-visual-studio-products-vs

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