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TypeError Jquery(…).function is not a function

I'm having an issue with calling a method that has got me completely stumped. I have a set of methods in an external js class that's used for libraries outside core js for the WP theme.

(Sorry About the unending line)


    var b=0;a.fn.mobileMenu=function(c){function e(a){return a.is("ul, ol")}function f(){return a(window).width()<d.switchWidth}function g(c){if(c.attr("id")){return a("#mobileMenu_"+c.attr("id")).length>0}else{b++;c.attr("id","mm"+b);return a("#mobileMenu_mm"+b).length>0}}function h(a){if(a.val()!==null){document.location.href=a.val()}}function j(b){b.css("display","none");a("#mobileMenu_"+b.attr("id")).show()}function k(b){b.css("display","");a("#mobileMenu_"+b.attr("id")).hide()}function l(b){if(e(b)){var c='<div class="td_mobile_menu_wrap"><select id="mobileMenu_'+b.attr("id")+'" class="mobileMenu">';c+='<option value="">'+d.topOptionText+"</option>";b.find("li").each(function(){var b="";var e=a(this).parents("ul, ol").length;for(i=1;i<e;i++){b+=d.indentString}var f=a(this).find("a:first-child").attr("href");var g=b+a(this).clone().children("ul, ol").remove().end().text();c+='<option value="'+f+'">'+g+"</option>"});c+="</select></div>";b.parent().append(c);a("#mobileMenu_"+b.attr("id")).change(function(){h(a(this))});j(b)}else{alert("mobileMenu will only work with UL or OL elements!")}}function m(a){if(f()&&!g(a)){l(a)}else if(f()&&g(a)){j(a)}else if(!f()&&g(a)){k(a)}}var d={switchWidth:td_switch_width_normal,topOptionText:"Menu",indentString:"-"};return this.each(function(){if(c){a.extend(d,c)}var b=a(this);a(window).resize(function(){m(b)});m(b)})}})(jQuery);

And then the core


jQuery('#td-top-menu .sf-menu').mobileMenu();

and i end up with the error:

Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).mobileMenu is not a function

Somewhere along the line, i've managed to break this code and yet i'm not truly sure. I've stripped my header down to just the necessary scripts and nothing causes the error. My current JQuery CDN is the standard downloaded one from google cdn. I was under the impressional that i would get this issue because it cannot resolve the method. But if both scripts are there (I've logged external.js method to see that the script isn't broken), i don't see why it's throwing this error.

The site is http://whatzbuzzing.com to see the error first hand. As a wordpress distribution, i was under the impression that something has gone wrong outside the two files shown because they haven't been edited at all.

In accordance with the order of requests in Chrome Networks panel, you're loading external.js before jquery.min.js. Maybe you could try to fetch jquery.min.js before fetching of external.js? Sorry if I missed anything in your question.

this happens when multiple jquery files are loaded, not a very uncommon thing in a wordpress site.

in your case the problem is here

<script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.12.0.min.js"></script>

jquery comes bundled with wordpress, all you have to do is to properly enqueue your script with jquery as a dependency

function enqueue_my_external_script() {
    wp_enqueue_script( 'externaljs', '//example.com/path/to/external.js', array( 'jquery') );

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_my_external_script' );

if you're calling this from a theme you can use get_template_directory_uri to get the theme directory's url like this

function enqueue_my_external_script() {
    wp_enqueue_script( 'externaljs', get_template_directory_uri() . '/path/to/external.js', array( 'jquery') );

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_my_external_script' );

wp_enqueue_script function

wp_enqueue_scripts action hook

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