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Change routeconfig

In the RouteConfig-file I see :

    name: "Default",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Which then maps in my controller to

public Person Get(int id)
    return _personService.GetPersoonByInszNumber("11111111111");

Now I would like to change this so it maps to the following :

public Person Get(string inszNumber)
    return _personService.GetPersoonByInszNumber(inszNumber);

How can I do this?

It can be done using attrubute routing :

public Person Get(int id)

public Person Get(string inszNumber)

Just add appropriate attributes (here I'm supposing your controller name is PersonsController . In other case change it appropriately) to your actions.

Also make sure you have this line of code in RegisterRoutes method just before default route declaration:


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