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Laravel - Eloquent where with relationship?

I have the following code:

return Technology::WhereIn('uuid', $technologies)->get();

$technologies is an array of UUIDs and in my $technologies table I have a uuid field.

So this will return the technologies that match up with the UUIDs, but I also have an equipment_id in my technologies table and my end game goal is to get a list of equipment id's that belong to the technologies that match the UUIDs in my $technologies variable.

I could do a foreach loop and add the equipment id's to an array but I was wondering if there was a way to do some eloquent magic that would include the equipment relationship into the query.

Something like this: (this doesn't work)

return Technology::WhereIn('uuid', $technologies)->Equipment->get();

I think that was called "Has Many Through" Relationship.

I answered a same question at:

How to fetch data by using Laravel Eloquent Relatinoships


return Technology::whereIn('uuid', $technologies)->lists('equipment_id');

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