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Google Maps for iOS, swift - How to show entire polyline between markers?

I am trying to fit a polyline in the google map view. The polyline was acquired through overview_polyline in the google maps directions api.

Wondering how I would be able to convert an encoded polyline into something that can be worked with. I need to fit the polyline in the map view. All i have found out to do is fit the bounds to show all markers but not showcase the entire polyline.

func fitAllMarkers()

    var bounds = GMSCoordinateBounds()

    for marker in markers
        bounds = bounds.includingCoordinate(marker.position)



For Swift 2.0 Google Maps, to make your map view fit the polyline of the route you are drawing:

let path: GMSPath = GMSPath(fromEncodedPath: route)!
    routePolyline = GMSPolyline(path: path)
    routePolyline.map = mapView

    var bounds = GMSCoordinateBounds()

    for index in 1...path.count() {
        bounds = bounds.includingCoordinate(path.coordinateAtIndex(index))


Though the question has an accepted answer,

Still one point which has not been discussed.

GMSPolyLine has a property ".path" which can used to bound the map with the complete polyline itself.

mapView.animate(with: GMSCameraUpdate.fit(GMSCoordinateBounds(path: self.polyLineObject.path!), withPadding: 10))
  • mapView is an instance of GMSMapView()
  • polyLineObject is an instance of GMSPolyLine()

With this approach, It'll do the job for sure.

Coz it has Done for me..

Hope it Helps..

**For Swift 3.0 Google Maps, to make your map view fit the polyline of the route you are drawing:** 

func fitAllMarkers(_path: GMSPath) {
        var bounds = GMSCoordinateBounds()
        for index in 1..._path.count() {
            bounds = bounds.includingCoordinate(_path.coordinate(at: index))
        mapView.animate(with: GMSCameraUpdate.fit(bounds))

You can zoom the map according the route or line displayed in the mapview. So that your route is displayed with in the mapView bounds.

let bounds = GMSCoordinateBounds(path:path! )
self.mapView!.animate(with: GMSCameraUpdate.fit(bounds, withPadding: 50.0))

Here path is GMSPath of the route and mapView is GmsMapView.

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