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How to apply Grails 3 interceptors to Spring Boot Actuator endpoints

I am attempting to apply a Grails 3.0.12 interceptor with a uri matcher to the management endpoints provided by Spring Boot Actuator. I have the actuator management.context_path property set to /admin .

All endpoints mapped in UrlMappings.groovy are being intercepted but those managed by Spring Boot Actuator are not. I instead see the following in the logs indicating that the interceptor is being bypassed:

DEBUG: org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.mvc.EndpointHandlerMapping - Looking up handler method for path /admin/metrics
DEBUG: org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.mvc.EndpointHandlerMapping - Returning handler method [public java.lang.Object org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.mvc.EndpointMvcAdapter.invoke()]

Here is my interceptor:

class LoginInterceptor {

    def securityService

    int order = HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE

    LoginInterceptor() {
        match(uri: "/**")

    boolean before() {
        if (!request.exception) {

    boolean after() { true }

    void afterView() { /* no-op */ }

Here is the management config in application.yml

  context_path: /admin

How do I ensure that actuator-provided endpoints are intercepted?

I did find one way of doing this by implementing the EndpointHandlerMappingCustomizer customize() method where the GrailsInterceptorHandlerInterceptorAdapter is set as an interceptor.

import org.grails.plugins.web.interceptors.GrailsInterceptorHandlerInterceptorAdapter
import org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.mvc.EndpointHandlerMapping
import org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.mvc.EndpointHandlerMappingCustomizer

class ActuatorInterceptor implements EndpointHandlerMappingCustomizer {
    GrailsInterceptorHandlerInterceptorAdapter interceptorAdapter

    public void customize(EndpointHandlerMapping mapping) {
        Object[] interceptors = [ interceptorAdapter ]


beans = {
    actuatorInterceptor(ActuatorInterceptor) {
        interceptorAdapter = ref('grailsInterceptorHandlerInterceptorAdapter')

This is less than ideal since it's specific to Spring Boot Actuator and won't work for, say, Spring Cloud Config endpoints. I would like to see a more generalized way to intercept all URI mappings with a Grails interceptor .

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