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page refresh causing user to get log out automatically in angular js

I have a Login API which I am using it in my service

function logInToService(callback, errback, login, password, rememberLogin) {
            var url = "User/Login";

            var authorizationHeader = {'Authorization': "Basic " + login + ":" + password};
            httpWrapperService.post(url, {login: login, password: password}, authorizationHeader).then(
                function success(loginToken) {
                    // transform data here

                    self.currentUser.emailAddress = login;
                    self.currentUser.password = password;
                    // store token in a cookie
                    self.currentUser.token = loginToken;
                    $rootScope.currentUser = self.currentUser;

                    if (rememberLogin) {


                function error(errorObject) {

And in my header html I am displaying the user name on top when he gets logged in Header.html

 <div class="header-user-menu">
        <div ng-show="isUserLoggedIn() == false ">
            <a href="" ng-click="$state.go('app.sr.login')" class="">{{'HEADER.LOGIN' | translate}}</a>
            <!--<a ui-sref="app.sr.login" class="">{{'HEADER.LOGIN' | translate}}</a>-->
        <div ng-show="isUserLoggedIn()" class="userName">{{'HEADER.WELCOME' | translate}} {{currentUser.emailAddress}}</div>


and js file is here

(function() {
    'use strict';

        .controller('AppLayoutCtrl', appLayoutCtrl);

    // Implementation of controller 
    appLayoutCtrl.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$scope'];

    function appLayoutCtrl($rootScope, $scope) {

        $scope.isUserLoggedIn = isUserLoggedIn;

        function isUserLoggedIn() {
            if ($rootScope.currentUser
                && $rootScope.currentUser.emailAddress != null
                && $rootScope.currentUser.emailAddress != '') {
                return true;
            return false;


and here I have one registration service where I have defined logInToService method

function registrationService($rootScope, httpWrapperService, $modal, $state, $cookieStore) {
        var self = this;
        // expose functions
        self.hasUserAccessToLevel = hasUserAccessToLevel;
        self.logInToService = logInToService;
        self.getCurrentUserToken = getCurrentUserToken;
        self.showRegistrationViewForLevel = showRegistrationViewForLevel;
        self.currentUser = {
            //emailAddress: '',
            //password: '',
            //token: ''

        $rootScope.currentUser = null;
        self.currentUserToken = null;

 function logInToservice (------){----}})();

The problem is that every time when user presses page refresh F5 , user gets logged out. Even though I am trying to store the data in localstorage , but actually I am not getting the flow of control.

You are trying to save the data into localStorage, but you are not reading it. The currentUser variable you have the user data in is a regular javascript variable which gets reset when you reload the page.

You need to do something like this:

// ...
// user logs in, remember it into the local storage
// Note: is is better to use it via $window.localStorage
$window.localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(user));
this.currentUser = user;

// function to get the user, if this.currentUser is not set,
// try to load from the local storage
getUser: function() {
  if (this.currentUser) {
      return this.currentUser;
  var storageUser = $window.localStorage.getItem('user');
  if (storageUser) {
    try {
      this.user = JSON.parse(storageUser);
    } catch (e) {
  return this.currentUser;

// you may also want to remove the user data from storage when he logs out
logout: function() {
    this.currentUser = null;

you need to create a session for login so that it does not log out after page refresh. have a look at this link:


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