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Rails - calling partial from one controller in another controller

I am trying to select a country and its region in a form to the db. I have a form that appears in sessions#new action of the view but is located in access_requests/_form.html.slim . It posts to access_requests#create. In the form I have a subregion_select partial in the views/sessions folder. Everything works fine except when I post the form I get the following error message:

Missing partial access_requests/_subregion_select


= simple_form_for object, url: access_requests_path do |f|
    = f.input :first_name, input_html: { class: "form-control" }
  = f.simple_fields_for :extra_attributes do |extra_fields|
    = extra_fields.input :country, as: :select, collection: site_countries, prompt: 'Please select a country', label: "Franchisee Billing Country", input_html: { class: "form-control" }
    = label_tag "Franchisee Billing State/Province"
    = render partial: "subregion_select"


  - country_code ||= params[:country_code]
  - country = Carmen::Country.coded(country_code)

  - if country.nil?
    em Please select a country above
  - else
    = select "access_request_form[extra_attributes]", "province", states_provinces_for_select(country_code), class: "form-control"


  $('#access_request_form_extra_attributes_country').change(function(event) {
    var country_code, select_wrapper, url;
    select_wrapper = $('#states_provinces_wrapper');
    $('select', select_wrapper).attr('disabled', true);
    country_code = $(this).val();
    url = "/subregion_options?country_code=" + country_code;


def subregion_options
  render partial: "subregion_select"


render partial: "sessions/subregion_select"

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