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ProgressDialogController mahapps, problems closing popup

I am creating a WPF project using Mahapps Metro .

My problem is that I would launch from DetailPage.xaml frame , which is embedded in MainWindow.xaml , the wait modal mahapps provides. So I did two methods that open and close , but at the end he says that is no longer the dialog . Does anyone have solutions ?

my code in frame DetailPage.xaml

private void Meeting_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    MainWindow w = (MainWindow)App.Current.MainWindow;

    var MIDClick = sender as Button;
    String MID = MIDClick.Tag as String;



my code in MainWindow.xaml (MetroWindow)

public ProgressDialogController dialog;

public async void showMessaggeAsyncFromMainWindow()
    dialog = await this.ShowProgressAsync(Properties.strings.attendi, Properties.strings.aggiornamentoMeetingsInCorso, false) as ProgressDialogController;

public async void closeMessaggeAsyncFromMainWindow()
    await dialog.CloseAsync();

my error:


The problem here is that you are doing a "Fire and Forget" ( async void ). In other words you are calling showMessaggeAsyncFromMainWindow and rigth after you are calling closeMessaggeAsyncFromMainWindow before dialog is initiated.

Solution :

private async void Meeting_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    MainWindow w = (MainWindow)App.Current.MainWindow;
    await w.showMessaggeAsyncFromMainWindow();

    var MIDClick = sender as Button;
    String MID = MIDClick.Tag as String;


    await w.closeMessaggeAsyncFromMainWindow();

the code in your MainWindow.xaml

public ProgressDialogController dialog;

public async Task showMessaggeAsyncFromMainWindow()
    dialog = await this.ShowProgressAsync(Properties.strings.attendi, Properties.strings.aggiornamentoMeetingsInCorso, false) as ProgressDialogController;

public async Task closeMessaggeAsyncFromMainWindow()
    await dialog.CloseAsync();

With this solution you are not doing a "Fire and Forget". You are waiting for the dialog to open and close with the await .

Happy coding :)

If someone wants to close it using the dialog cancel Button

        var settings = new MetroDialogSettings()

            NegativeButtonText = "cancel",
            DialogMessageFontSize = 25,
            DialogTitleFontSize = 25,
            DialogResultOnCancel = MessageDialogResult.Canceled,

        ProgressDialogController controller =
                await this.ShowProgressAsync("Title", "Message", true, settings);

        controller.Canceled += controller_Canceled;

        //after your job

             await controller.CloseAsync();

and this is the cancel event

    private async void controller_Canceled(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ProgressDialogController controller_ = (ProgressDialogController)sender;
        await controller_.CloseAsync();

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