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Using docker on Mac. Is it possible to start docker daemon using docker-machine and pass in arguments?

I have a private repo that I need to pass in via the "--insecure-registry myprivateregistry:5000" argument that works fine in my linux environment via this command:

docker -d --insecure-registry myprivateregistry:5000

I'm not sure how to pass this is when I'm starting my MAC client however. I use docker-machine to start and stop my default instance, but I don't see how to pass in that option. Please help.

I figured it out. I need to add that as an extra argument in this file after I do a docker-machine ssh default (my running daemon):


EXTRA_ARGS='--insecure-registry myprivateregistry:5000'

Restart the docker daemon via docker-machine restart default and now I can connect!

This article was useful: Docker daemon config file on boot2docker / docker-machine / Docker Toolbox

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