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Understanding Dependent Types


scala> sealed trait Parent 
defined trait Parent

scala> case object Boy extends Parent
defined object Boy

scala> case object Girl extends Parent
defined object Girl

scala> trait F {
     |  type A 
     |  def x: A
     | }
defined trait F

scala> case object FImpl extends F {
     |  override type A = Parent
     |  def x: Parent = Boy
     | }
defined object FImpl

I then defined a method:

scala> def foobar(f: F)(matcher: f.A => Boolean): Boolean = 
     |   matcher(f.x)
foobar: (f: F)(matcher: f.A => Boolean)Boolean

scala> foobar(FImpl)(_ match { case Boy => true; case Girl => false})
res3: Boolean = true

I'm confused as to how this works. The compiler must know fA 's type at compile-time then?

Your question is basically: How can the compiler see the member fA when f is a runtime value? The answer is that it doesn't. Syntactically, fA looks like it is accessing a member of f , but in fact it is relying only on the type of f .

When you write:

object FImpl extends F {
  override type A = Parent
  def x: Parent = Boy

FImpl defines a new singleton type, known as FImpl.type . So, FImpl.type#A is Parent .

When you call foobar , f.type is identified with FImpl.type , so fA aka f.type#A is FImpl.type#A aka Parent .

Consider these two examples:

def needsParent(p: Parent) = ???
def foobar(f: F)(matcher: f.A => Boolean) = ???

foobar(FImpl)(needsParent) // Works
foobar(FImpl: F)(needsParent) // Does not work

Although the runtime values are the same, the types differ, and so the compiler accepts one and rejects the other.

In other words, Scala's dependent types are a clever fiction -- in fact, types never depend on actual runtime values. But it turns out that just by identifying types with other types, it becomes possible to keep track of values to a limited extent, giving the impression of types that depend on values.

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