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Angular directive - templates and com changes

I have an angular directive:

var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);

var HelloDirective = function() {
    return {
        scope : {
            t : "=",
      list: "="
        }, // use a new isolated scope
        restrict : 'AE',
        replace : false,
        template : '<h3>{{list}}</h3>',
        link : function(scope, elem, attrs) {
            var p = document.createElement("p");
            p.innerHTML = "asdddf";
      var ul = document.createElement("ul");
            var li = document.createElement("li")
      li.innerHTML = "List Item";
            scope.list = "HI";


myApp.directive("hello", HelloDirective);
//myApp.directive('myDirective', function() {});
//myApp.factory('myService', function() {});

function MyCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.name = 'Superhero';

How can I make scope.list display properly?

Also, what is the best way to make the ul show up as a list? Should I use elem.append(ul); or can I say scope.list = ul to make it show up?

I don't get it...

Here's the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/mbaranski/znhnseep/

try this

app.directive('hello', ['$sce', function ($sce) {
    return {
        scope: {
            t: "=?",
            list: "=?"
        restrict: 'AE',
        replace: false,
        template: "<h3 ng-bind-html='list'></h3>",
        link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {

            var p = document.createElement("p");
            p.innerHTML = "asdddf";
            var ul = document.createElement("ul");
            var li = document.createElement("li");
            li.innerHTML = "List Item";


            scope.list = $sce.trustAsHtml(ul.outerHTML);

For anyone that comes across this, I did get it sorted out. Here is what works, and it uses the compile function in the directive.

Here's the directive:

 * Shows how to modify the original element in compile
 * to add a class to the DOM.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

var HelloDirective = function($sce) {
    return {
      scope: {
        list: "="
      }, // use a new isolated scope
      restrict: 'AE',
      replace: false,
      template: '<h3 ng-bind-html="list"></h3>',
      compile: function(tElem, attrs) {
        var d = document.createElement("div");
        d.className += " tree";
        var baseElem = tElem[0];
        baseElem.className ? baseElem.className += " compiled-element" : baseElem.className = "compiled-element";

        return function(scope, elem, attrs) {
          scope.list = $sce.trustAsHtml("<i>Link function value, too</i>");
          var ul = document.createElement("ul");
          var li = document.createElement("li")
          li.innerHTML = "ASDF";
          var elementResult = elem[0].getElementsByClassName('tree');
  var p = document.createElement("p");
        p.innerHTML = "asdddf";
        var ul = document.createElement("ul");
        var li = document.createElement("li")
        li.innerHTML = "List Item";
myApp.directive("helloDirective", HelloDirective);
//myApp.directive('myDirective', function() {});
//myApp.factory('myService', function() {});

myApp.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.name = 'Angular Directive';
  $scope.osList = "Original value";

Here is a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/mbaranski/46dd6p1p/ Here is a blog post that expands on it a little: http://blog.mikeski.net/blog_post/455

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