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including other files besides js css etc. into html

I'm trying to read some information from a local XML document however i cant figure out how to do it.

I'm able to include js(and read data from them) css and all those kind of files but how do i read from an XML file or any other file.

The XML file is in the same directory as the js file so why shouldn't i be able to read it like any other js file?

I know it's possible to read files using nodejs but i'm trying to read the xml data and display it in a html page so it has to be client side.

// kan tijdelijk delayreport in js file zetten

var fs = require('browserify-fs'),
xml2js = require('xml2js');

var parser = new xml2js.Parser();
fs.readFile('delayReport.xml', function(err, data) {
parser.parseString(data, function (err, result) {

xhttp.open("GET", "delayReport.xml", true);

Generally it's not possible, because the XHMLRequest needs a server for asynchron communication. Only Browser that I know that loads local files offline is firefox. but maybe there are some workarounds, like discussed here xmlhttprequest for local files

Don't rely on the file:// protocol. Set up a local server and host your XML file statically through that. Then you will be able to request your XML file with an XHR. Fighting file:// is going to give you headaches.

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