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Freeze objects using web-worker

I have an array of collections which needs to be freezed using web-worker. Sample below shows single collection freezing.

var worker = new Worker("worker.js");
worker.onmessage = function (e) { // WATCH MESSAGES FROM THE WORKER
    var data = e.data;

    // TEST: freezed collection property changes here in main scope. Weird!!!

        'collection' : someHugeJSON_object

// In my worker.js

function deepFreeze(){
    // my freezing logic

onmessage = function (e) {

    var data = JSON.parse(e.data);
    freezedJSON_object = deepFreeze(data.collection);   

    // TEST: collection property does not change in worker scope after freezing

        'collection' : freezedJSON_object

Does enumerability, configurability, or writability properties of an object, restricted to a particular scope?

When you call postMessage(obj) you don't send obj - it's cloned using structured clone algorithm .

MDN page is rather explicit about what happens to frozen objects:

Property descriptors , setters, and getters ( as well as similar metadata-like features ) are not duplicated . For example, if an object is marked read-only using a property descriptor, it will be read-write in the duplicate, since that's the default condition.

So you can't freeze object in WebWorker and send it back to main thread.

By the way - you don't have to call JSON.stringify on messages passed to WebWorker.

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