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How to authenticate on Azure Active Directory via LDAP using node?

I am completely new to this. I have the users on AAD. I need to authenticate them using node js. Can someone guide me on how to get started and how to go about it?

As @vibronet said, Azure AD not support LDAP.

There is an offical guide Azure Active Directory developer's guide that introduce how to get started for developer.

For accessing AAD in node.js, MS provides the ADAL for node.js library hosted on GitHub, please see https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-nodejs .

Meanwhile, you can refer to these articles below to learn about the scenarios using AAD for node.js.

  1. Web App Sign In & Sign Out with Azure AD
  2. Register your apps to use an Azure Active Directory Account login
  3. Getting Started With WEB-API for Node

Hope it helps. Best Regards.

LDAP is not used in Azure AD. A good starting point for authenticating with Azure AD in node can be found in https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/samples/?platform=nodejs&service=active-directory

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