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Angular 2 EventEmitter

I have an issue where the EventEmitter does not output the value to parent component. Here is how i am setup.

main.component.ts (short version)


selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: '/app/views/main.ejs',
directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES],

{path:'/logout', name: 'Logout', component: AuthComponent},


export class AppComponent implements OnInit, CanReuse{  

    constructor(private _auth_service: AuthService){



    public authChangedHandler($event){





auth.component.ts (short version)

export class AuthComponent implements OnInit, CanReuse{

public loggedIn = false;

public user = {};

authChanged: EventEmitter<string>;

public selectedTab = "/login";

    constructor(private _router: Router, private _location:Location,private _http: Http, private _auth_service: AuthService){

        this.authChanged = new EventEmitter();




main.ejs (short version)

<nav (authChanged)="authChangedHandler($event)"></nav>


export class AuthService {

public authChanged: EventEmitter<string>;

constructor(private _http: Http){

    this.authChanged = new EventEmitter();



EDIT: I have added AuthService code which i inject into main component. It should work now but does not.

Events emitted by EventEmitter don't bubble. If the element is added to a router-outlet only the router-outlet receives the event but not the element containing the router-outlet .

You could use a shared service to communicate between the parent and the child element.

For shared service see

If you register the shared service in the providers: [] list of the parent component, the service is shared only between the parent element and all of its descendants. If you only add it to bootstrap(MyApp, [ ..., SharedService]) the whole application shares one instance.

In fact, the nav isn't the parent component of the AuthComponent one. The latter is involved in routing (see router-outlet ). That's why you can't receive the event for the registered expression on the nav element in the HTML.

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