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How to populate modal form with a component's state with Reactjs?

I have many child React components that are rendered from a parent Component and upon clicking the name of each one, I'd like to be able to edit the state of the particular component that was clicked, however I am not sure how to best "pass" the current state into the modal so that they can be edited in the form on the modal.

I have seen implementations where the modal fields are set with jquery (.val()) after the click, which does not seem like the idiomatic react way to do this.

How should I prepopulate the modal fields from the particular component and where should the modal be rendered exactly?

Depending on the modal you use, you should simply populate those values using props into a modal component. You can create a more generic modal component and feed this modal your props, or a specific modal if you don't think you could create a generic one that fits more use cases than this specific one. It's hard to give examples of code without seeing/knowing which one you use, but below link of react-bootstrap's implementation of the modal might help you!

React-bootstrap's implementation of the Bootstrap modal.

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