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Restart a function if there is no click, or touch event on screen

I found this code on net, it's about a memory game.

 var MemoryApp = (function () { 'use strict'; var size = 36; var sizeStyle = "smallGame"; var maxpics = 18; var gameRunning = false; var cardOpen = null; var time = 0; var timer; var s4; var s6; var s8; var attempts = 0; var found = 0; var foundDisp; var attDisp; var timeDisp; var template; var popupImage; var popupHolder; var gameGrid; var currentCardSet = 'zoo'; var currentCards = []; window.onload = runGame; function activated() { WinJS.UI.processAll().then(function(){ s4 = document.getElementById("size4x4"); s6 = document.getElementById("size6x6"); s8 = document.getElementById("size8x8"); s4.addEventListener("click", gameSize, false); s6.addEventListener("click", gameSize, false); s8.addEventListener("click", gameSize, false); var start = document.getElementById("startGame"); if (start) { start.onclick = runGame; } var stop = document.getElementById("stopGame"); if (stop) { stop.onclick = stopGame; } template = document.getElementById("cardTemplate"); popupImage = document.getElementById("popupImage"); popupHolder = document.getElementById("popupHolder"); popupHolder.addEventListener("click", closeImageView, false); foundDisp = document.getElementById("foundDisplay"); attDisp = document.getElementById("attemptsDisplay"); timeDisp = document.getElementById("timeDisplay"); // Expose functions globally window.updateClock = updateClock; window.resetCards = resetCards; window.gameTag1 = null; window.gameTag2 = null; buildCards(); }); } function closeImageView() { removeClass(popupHolder, "openImagePopup"); } function makePictureArray() { var pics = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < maxpics; i++) { pics[i] = getDefaultURL(i); } return pics; } function removeAllChildren(element) { if (element.hasChildNodes()) { while (element.childNodes.length > 0) { element.removeChild(element.firstChild); } } } function buildCards() { // Assumption: game grid size is a power of 2 var stride = Math.sqrt(size); // Make picture selection var pics = makePictureArray(); var sel = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < size / 2; i++) { var idx = parseInt(Math.random() * pics.length); sel[i] = pics[idx]; // remove the used pic pics.splice(idx, 1); } // get an array with the card content var content = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < size / 2; i++) { content[i] = sel[i]; content[i + size / 2] = sel[i]; } var gameBoard = document.querySelector('#gameBoard'); removeAllChildren(gameBoard); var gameGrid = document.createElement("div"); gameGrid.id = "gameGrid"; addClass(gameGrid, sizeStyle); gameBoard.appendChild(gameGrid); for (var i=0; i<size; i++) { var item = document.createElement("div"); item.className = "gameItem"+i; item.addEventListener("click", cardClicked, false); setClosed(item); var r = parseInt(Math.random() * content.length); // Add image insertTemplate(item, template); var walker = document.createTreeWalker(item, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, imgFilter, false); while (walker.nextNode()) walker.currentNode.setAttribute("src", content[r]); // Add path to ease styling var walker = document.createTreeWalker(item, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, pFilter, false); while (walker.nextNode()) walker.currentNode.innerText = content[r]; item.contentIndex = content[r]; content.splice(r, 1); gameGrid.appendChild(item); } } function imgFilter(node) { if (node.tagName == "IMG") //filter IMG elements return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT else return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP } function pFilter(node) { if (node.tagName == "P") //filter IMG elements return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT else return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP } function insertTemplate(parent, templateParent) { if (templateParent.children && templateParent.children.length >= 1) { var tchild = templateParent.children[0].cloneNode(true); parent.appendChild(tchild); } } function gameSize() { document.size.size4x4.checked = false; document.size.size6x6.checked = false; document.size.size8x8.checked = false; var newsize = 36; var gSize = "smallGame"; if (this.name == "size4x4") { document.size.size4x4.checked = true; newsize = 36; gSize = "smallGame"; } if (this.name == "size6x6") { document.size.size6x6.checked = true; newsize = 36; gSize = "mediumGame"; } if (this.name == "size8x8") { document.size.size8x8.checked = true; newsize = 36; gSize = "largeGame"; } if (!gameRunning == true) { size = newsize; sizeStyle = gSize; buildCards(); } } function stopGame() { if (!gameRunning) return; gameRunning = false; foundDisp.innerText = "0"; found = 0; attDisp.innerText = "0"; attempts = 0; clearInterval(timer); timeDisp.innerText = "00:00"; s4.disabled = false; s6.disabled = false; s8.disabled = false; } function runGame() { //don't do anything if game already running if (gameRunning == true) return; window.gameTag1 = null; window.gameTag2 = null; cardOpen = null; gameRunning = true; buildCards(); timeDisp.innerText = "00:00"; time = 0; foundDisp.innerText = "0"; found = 0; attDisp.innerText = "0"; attempts = 0; timer = setInterval("updateClock()", 1000); s4.disabled = true; s6.disabled = true; s8.disabled = true; } function getDefaultURL(i) { var idx = i+1; if (idx<1) idx = 1; if (idx>32) idx = 32; var result = "/photos/" + currentCardSet + "/"; if (idx < 10) result = result + "0"; result = result + idx.toString() + ".jpg"; return result; } function updateClock() { time = time + 1; var mins = parseInt(time / 60); var secs = time - mins * 60; mins = mins.toString(); secs = secs.toString(); if (mins.length < 2) mins = "0" + mins; if (secs.length < 2) secs = "0" + secs; timeDisp.innerText = mins + ":" + secs; } function cardClicked() { // If an open card is clicked, bring up the full size popup if (this.cardFoundFlag || cardOpen === this) { popupImage.setAttribute("src", this.contentIndex); popupHolder.style.display = "block"; addClass(popupHolder, "openImagePopup"); return; } // don't do anything if no game is running, or a move is in play... if (!gameRunning || window.gameTag1 !=null || window.gameTag2 != null) return; if (cardOpen == null) { setOpen(this); cardOpen = this; } else { if (this.contentIndex == cardOpen.contentIndex) { setFound(this); setFound(cardOpen); this.cardFoundFlag = true; cardOpen.cardFoundFlag = true; cardOpen = null; found++; foundDisp.innerText = found; updateAttempts(); if (found == size / 2) { gameRunning = false; clearInterval(timer); foundDisp.innerText = "ALL!"; } } else { setOpen(this); // Hack to get around insulation of these functions window.gameTag1 = this; window.gameTag2 = cardOpen; setTimeout("resetCards()", 1100); cardOpen = null; updateAttempts(); } } } function setOpen(el) { removeClass(el, "closedCard"); addClass(el, "openCard"); } function setClosed(el) { removeClass(el, "openCard"); addClass(el, "closedCard"); } function setFound(el) { removeClass(el, "openCard"); removeClass(el, "closedCard"); addClass(el, "foundCard"); } function resetCardStyles(el) { removeClass(el, "openCard"); removeClass(el, "foundCard"); addClass(el, "closedCard"); } function updateAttempts() { attempts++; attDisp.innerText = attempts; } function resetAllCards() { buildCards(); } function resetCards() { setClosed(window.gameTag1); setClosed(window.gameTag2); window.gameTag1 = null; window.gameTag2 = null; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utilities // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function hasClass(el, className) { // authors can pass in either an element object or an ID el = (typeof (el) == 'object') ? el : document.getElementById(el); // no need to continue if there's no className if (!el.className) return false; // iterate through all the classes var classArray = el.className.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < classArray.length; i++) { if (className == classArray[i]) return true; // found? return true } // if we're still here, the class does not exist return false; } function addClass(el, className) { // authors can pass in either an element object or an ID el = (typeof (el) == 'object') ? el : document.getElementById(el); // simply append the className to the string el.className += ' ' + className; return; } function removeClass(el, className) { // authors can pass in either an element object or an ID el = (typeof (el) == 'object') ? el : document.getElementById(el); // if the class doesn't exist, there's no need to remove it if (!hasClass(el, className)) return; // iterate through all the classes var classArray = el.className.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < classArray.length; i++) { // found it! if (className == classArray[i]) { classArray.splice(i, 1); // remove it i--; // decrement so we don't skip over any future occurences } } // reassign the className el.className = classArray.join(' '); return; } WinJS.Application.onactivated = function (e) { if (e.detail.kind === Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.ActivationKind.launch) { activated(); } } WinJS.Application.start(); }); var theMemoryApp = new MemoryApp(); 

I need to add a function which is going to check for touch or click detection on the screen. If there is no touch after some seconds, all game has to restart from the beginning. How can I do that?

I hide that start and stop buttons on the design. So with window.onload=runGame game starts automatically when its loaded. But need to be restart if children live the game play when its not finished. For example, if there is no touch after 120 seconds, all code has to restart from beginning. Or there is buildCard function in the code. This timer can trigger this function also. I will be glad for any kind of help cause this is for kids.

You can use debounce technique like shown in below snippet. I have added click event but you can add touch specific events also. timer() will be triggered every 120 secs if click event is not triggered ie if user doesn't click or touch. I could not run your code to test. Please let me know if this doesn't work.

 var MemoryApp = (function () { 'use strict'; var size = 36; var sizeStyle = "smallGame"; var maxpics = 18; var gameRunning = false; var cardOpen = null; var time = 0; var timer; var s4; var s6; var s8; var attempts = 0; var found = 0; var foundDisp; var attDisp; var timeDisp; var template; var popupImage; var popupHolder; var gameGrid; var currentCardSet = 'zoo'; var currentCards = [], __timeOut = 0; window.onload = runGame; var timer = function() { clearTimeout(__timeOut); __timeOut = setTimeout(function() { buildCards(); }, 120000); }; window.addEventListener('click', timer); function activated() { WinJS.UI.processAll().then(function(){ s4 = document.getElementById("size4x4"); s6 = document.getElementById("size6x6"); s8 = document.getElementById("size8x8"); s4.addEventListener("click", gameSize, false); s6.addEventListener("click", gameSize, false); s8.addEventListener("click", gameSize, false); var start = document.getElementById("startGame"); if (start) { start.onclick = runGame; } var stop = document.getElementById("stopGame"); if (stop) { stop.onclick = stopGame; } template = document.getElementById("cardTemplate"); popupImage = document.getElementById("popupImage"); popupHolder = document.getElementById("popupHolder"); popupHolder.addEventListener("click", closeImageView, false); foundDisp = document.getElementById("foundDisplay"); attDisp = document.getElementById("attemptsDisplay"); timeDisp = document.getElementById("timeDisplay"); // Expose functions globally window.updateClock = updateClock; window.resetCards = resetCards; window.gameTag1 = null; window.gameTag2 = null; buildCards(); }); } function closeImageView() { removeClass(popupHolder, "openImagePopup"); } function makePictureArray() { var pics = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < maxpics; i++) { pics[i] = getDefaultURL(i); } return pics; } function removeAllChildren(element) { if (element.hasChildNodes()) { while (element.childNodes.length > 0) { element.removeChild(element.firstChild); } } } function buildCards() { // Assumption: game grid size is a power of 2 var stride = Math.sqrt(size); // Make picture selection var pics = makePictureArray(); var sel = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < size / 2; i++) { var idx = parseInt(Math.random() * pics.length); sel[i] = pics[idx]; // remove the used pic pics.splice(idx, 1); } // get an array with the card content var content = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < size / 2; i++) { content[i] = sel[i]; content[i + size / 2] = sel[i]; } var gameBoard = document.querySelector('#gameBoard'); removeAllChildren(gameBoard); var gameGrid = document.createElement("div"); gameGrid.id = "gameGrid"; addClass(gameGrid, sizeStyle); gameBoard.appendChild(gameGrid); for (var i=0; i<size; i++) { var item = document.createElement("div"); item.className = "gameItem"+i; item.addEventListener("click", cardClicked, false); setClosed(item); var r = parseInt(Math.random() * content.length); // Add image insertTemplate(item, template); var walker = document.createTreeWalker(item, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, imgFilter, false); while (walker.nextNode()) walker.currentNode.setAttribute("src", content[r]); // Add path to ease styling var walker = document.createTreeWalker(item, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, pFilter, false); while (walker.nextNode()) walker.currentNode.innerText = content[r]; item.contentIndex = content[r]; content.splice(r, 1); gameGrid.appendChild(item); } } function imgFilter(node) { if (node.tagName == "IMG") //filter IMG elements return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT else return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP } function pFilter(node) { if (node.tagName == "P") //filter IMG elements return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT else return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP } function insertTemplate(parent, templateParent) { if (templateParent.children && templateParent.children.length >= 1) { var tchild = templateParent.children[0].cloneNode(true); parent.appendChild(tchild); } } function gameSize() { document.size.size4x4.checked = false; document.size.size6x6.checked = false; document.size.size8x8.checked = false; var newsize = 36; var gSize = "smallGame"; if (this.name == "size4x4") { document.size.size4x4.checked = true; newsize = 36; gSize = "smallGame"; } if (this.name == "size6x6") { document.size.size6x6.checked = true; newsize = 36; gSize = "mediumGame"; } if (this.name == "size8x8") { document.size.size8x8.checked = true; newsize = 36; gSize = "largeGame"; } if (!gameRunning == true) { size = newsize; sizeStyle = gSize; buildCards(); } } function stopGame() { if (!gameRunning) return; gameRunning = false; foundDisp.innerText = "0"; found = 0; attDisp.innerText = "0"; attempts = 0; clearInterval(timer); timeDisp.innerText = "00:00"; s4.disabled = false; s6.disabled = false; s8.disabled = false; } function runGame() { //don't do anything if game already running if (gameRunning == true) return; window.gameTag1 = null; window.gameTag2 = null; cardOpen = null; gameRunning = true; buildCards(); timeDisp.innerText = "00:00"; time = 0; foundDisp.innerText = "0"; found = 0; attDisp.innerText = "0"; attempts = 0; timer = setInterval("updateClock()", 1000); s4.disabled = true; s6.disabled = true; s8.disabled = true; } function getDefaultURL(i) { var idx = i+1; if (idx<1) idx = 1; if (idx>32) idx = 32; var result = "/photos/" + currentCardSet + "/"; if (idx < 10) result = result + "0"; result = result + idx.toString() + ".jpg"; return result; } function updateClock() { time = time + 1; var mins = parseInt(time / 60); var secs = time - mins * 60; mins = mins.toString(); secs = secs.toString(); if (mins.length < 2) mins = "0" + mins; if (secs.length < 2) secs = "0" + secs; timeDisp.innerText = mins + ":" + secs; } function cardClicked() { // If an open card is clicked, bring up the full size popup if (this.cardFoundFlag || cardOpen === this) { popupImage.setAttribute("src", this.contentIndex); popupHolder.style.display = "block"; addClass(popupHolder, "openImagePopup"); return; } // don't do anything if no game is running, or a move is in play... if (!gameRunning || window.gameTag1 !=null || window.gameTag2 != null) return; if (cardOpen == null) { setOpen(this); cardOpen = this; } else { if (this.contentIndex == cardOpen.contentIndex) { setFound(this); setFound(cardOpen); this.cardFoundFlag = true; cardOpen.cardFoundFlag = true; cardOpen = null; found++; foundDisp.innerText = found; updateAttempts(); if (found == size / 2) { gameRunning = false; clearInterval(timer); foundDisp.innerText = "ALL!"; } } else { setOpen(this); // Hack to get around insulation of these functions window.gameTag1 = this; window.gameTag2 = cardOpen; setTimeout("resetCards()", 1100); cardOpen = null; updateAttempts(); } } } function setOpen(el) { removeClass(el, "closedCard"); addClass(el, "openCard"); } function setClosed(el) { removeClass(el, "openCard"); addClass(el, "closedCard"); } function setFound(el) { removeClass(el, "openCard"); removeClass(el, "closedCard"); addClass(el, "foundCard"); } function resetCardStyles(el) { removeClass(el, "openCard"); removeClass(el, "foundCard"); addClass(el, "closedCard"); } function updateAttempts() { attempts++; attDisp.innerText = attempts; } function resetAllCards() { buildCards(); } function resetCards() { setClosed(window.gameTag1); setClosed(window.gameTag2); window.gameTag1 = null; window.gameTag2 = null; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utilities // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function hasClass(el, className) { // authors can pass in either an element object or an ID el = (typeof (el) == 'object') ? el : document.getElementById(el); // no need to continue if there's no className if (!el.className) return false; // iterate through all the classes var classArray = el.className.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < classArray.length; i++) { if (className == classArray[i]) return true; // found? return true } // if we're still here, the class does not exist return false; } function addClass(el, className) { // authors can pass in either an element object or an ID el = (typeof (el) == 'object') ? el : document.getElementById(el); // simply append the className to the string el.className += ' ' + className; return; } function removeClass(el, className) { // authors can pass in either an element object or an ID el = (typeof (el) == 'object') ? el : document.getElementById(el); // if the class doesn't exist, there's no need to remove it if (!hasClass(el, className)) return; // iterate through all the classes var classArray = el.className.split(' '); for (var i = 0; i < classArray.length; i++) { // found it! if (className == classArray[i]) { classArray.splice(i, 1); // remove it i--; // decrement so we don't skip over any future occurences } } // reassign the className el.className = classArray.join(' '); return; } WinJS.Application.onactivated = function (e) { if (e.detail.kind === Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.ActivationKind.launch) { activated(); } } WinJS.Application.start(); }); var theMemoryApp = new MemoryApp(); 

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