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Line Break in PHP for-loop

There have been a bunch of questions like this already, but none of the answers seem to help me. I would like to have a line-break after each output from a loop. I am using double-quoted strings, like I read here , as well as using HTML (because I want the browser to recognize the line-breaks too) as I read here .

It does create a line-break, however only below the complete output.

I cannot manage to create a line-break between the outputs of the loop. Basically I get a block of text and then a linebreak.

Here is the loop I am using:

$target_url = "http://www.buzzfeed.com/trending?country=en-us";
$html = new simple_html_dom();


$posts = $html->find('ul[class=list--numbered trending-posts trending-posts-    now]');
$limit = 10;
$limit = count($posts) < $limit ? count($posts) : $limit;
for($i=0; $i < $limit; $i++){
  $post = $posts[$i];
  $post->find('div[class=trending-post-text]',0)->outertext = "";
  echo strip_tags($post, '<p><a>') . "<br/>\n";

I've also tried "\\r\\n" and a bunch of variations, as well as the nl2br() function . I believe the PHP_EOL command is meant only for the command line, from what I've researched.

I'm an absolute beginner with PHP, so I am probably missing something simple, but I can't figure it out.

EDIT: Here is what it prints: http://globalsocialnews.com/crawler/test8.php

I also included the complete code in case that helps.

You can do line break using css implementation ... like:

.rcorners1 a {
    display: block;
    margin-bottom: 10px;//for show extra margin between each line...  


Edit: Use margin css attribute for extra margin...

please try implementing this...


echo "</br>";

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