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Deploy rails app to digital ocean

I use this tutorial for DO dokku deployment: http://blog.flatironschool.com/using-digital-ocean-and-dokku-for-easier-rails-app-deploys/ I messed up with adding ssh keys here are the details:

Deployiong rails app to digital ocean dokku ssh key not found

So I decided to skip part and go on. I did the next step:

 git remote add dokku dokku@

Then git push dokku master I asked to enter password

jonstark@jonstark-pc:~/rails_projects/car_main$ git push dokku master
dokku@'s password: 

on email I got this:

Droplet Name: main
IP Address:
Username: root
Password: 0772f867514dc546

So I copy pasted this password but it says permission denied. Or something like this: Permission denied (publickey,password). Is this because I messed up with ssh keys or not? I copy pasted password several times and entered it manually twice. So it is highly unlikely that I misspelled password.

And what are my next action?

The first time you SSH into your droplet, were you asked to changed the password?

Because you NEED (and you're prompted) to change the droplet password at the first login!

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