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MongoDB - query with two collections

I am trying to get hold of MongoDB and have been experimenting with some basic queries on a single collection but I would like to use two collections in my queries by linking them somehow. I have the below document with information of a movie,


      id:  1, 
      title: "abc", 
      release_data: "xxxx",
      IMDBURL: "qwe", 
      genre: ["xx","yy's","zz"]

and the below type of document in another collection which has information about a user and an embedded document with the movies he has rated as well as the rating itself.


      id:  1, 
      age: xx, 
      gender: "Y", 
      occupation: "abc", 
      zip_code: "asd", 
      { movie: 1, rating: 5 } , 
      { movie: 2, rating: 3 }, 
      { movie: 3, rating: 4 }, 
      { movie: 4, rating: 3 }

How would I make a query that returns the title of a movie that has been rated a 5 at least one time? Thank you.

MongoDB: No JOINS, no transactions

Funny enough, I have never needed either of them. As with your example, you basically have to ask yourself what you need to have answered and model your data accordingly .

  • Which movies have been rated at least five times?
  • For those movies, what are the names?

Given your data model, you don't even get away with ordinary queries: you need an aggregation. With the following dataset:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("56c8e58ee99e5c4e87ec3a4e"), "age" : 22, "gender" : "Y", "occupation" : "abc", "zip_code" : "asd", "movies" : [ { "movie" : 1, "rating" : 5 }, { "movie" : 2, "rating" : 3 }, { "movie" : 3, "rating" : 4 }, { "movie" : 4, "rating" : 3 } ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56c8e598e99e5c4e87ec3a4f"), "age" : 22, "gender" : "Y", "occupation" : "abc", "zip_code" : "asd", "movies" : [ { "movie" : 1, "rating" : 5 }, { "movie" : 2, "rating" : 3 }, { "movie" : 3, "rating" : 4 } ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56c8e599e99e5c4e87ec3a50"), "age" : 22, "gender" : "Y", "occupation" : "abc", "zip_code" : "asd", "movies" : [ { "movie" : 1, "rating" : 5 }, { "movie" : 2, "rating" : 3 }, { "movie" : 3, "rating" : 4 } ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56c8e59ae99e5c4e87ec3a51"), "age" : 22, "gender" : "Y", "occupation" : "abc", "zip_code" : "asd", "movies" : [ { "movie" : 1, "rating" : 5 }, { "movie" : 2, "rating" : 3 }, { "movie" : 3, "rating" : 4 } ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56c8e59be99e5c4e87ec3a52"), "age" : 22, "gender" : "Y", "occupation" : "abc", "zip_code" : "asd", "movies" : [ { "movie" : 1, "rating" : 5 }, { "movie" : 2, "rating" : 3 }, { "movie" : 3, "rating" : 4 } ] }

You can find the movies matching your criteria with the following aggregation

  { $unwind:"$movies"},
  { $group:{ _id:"$movies.movie", ratings:{ $sum:1 }}},
  { $match:{ ratings:{ $gte:5}}},
  { $project:{ _id:1 }}

Which will return documents looking like this

{ "_id" : 3 }
{ "_id" : 2 }
{ "_id" : 1 }

matching the sample data above. Now, with those, you can look up the movie names in the according collection.

The aggregation, dissected



To see what the individual stage does, simply remove the stages following it.

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