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angular 2 getting hold of an element in Angular 2 for use in Material design lite

I want to use the Material Design Lite snackbar in Angular 2.

I tried to get hold of the Element in my template as the following:

My template

     <div id="child1"> child1 <div id="child2">
      <div id="child2"> child2 <div id="child2">
       <div id="toast_error"> Error message </div>

In my component file

constructor(private el:ElementRef){}

        var snackbarContainer = this.el.nativeElement.querySelector("#toast_error")
        var data = {
            message: 'Button color changed.',
            timeout: 2000,
            actionText: 'Undo'


I get the folowing error message. How do I get hold of the element with id toast_error

EXCEPTION: TypeError: Cannot read property 'MaterialSnackbar' of null in [null]

PS: I have checked that this.el.nativeElement does give me the correct reference


Following the answers and comments, I can now get hold of the element by using the same code inside ngAfterViewInit . However, I can't get the snackbar to work. Following is the updated code.

In my component file

   constructor(private el:ElementRef){}

            var snackbarContainer = this.el.nativeElement.querySelector("#toast_error")
            var data = {
                message: 'Button color changed.',
                timeout: 2000,
                actionText: 'Undo'

            console.log(snackbarContainer.MaterialSnackbar); //prints undefined

The console.log() command prints undefined. I have made sure that the material.min.js is loaded and checked the file, it does include MaterialSnackbar . How should I debug this?

I solved the problem by placing the code in ngAfterViewInit() and also calling the upgradeElement as below:

constructor(private el:ElementRef){} 

    var snackbarContainer =         this.el.nativeElement.querySelector("#toast_error")
                    var data = {
                        message: 'Button color changed.',
                        timeout: 2000,
                        actionText: 'Undo'

If you need direct access to DOM element then have the ElementRef injected:

constructor(ref: ElementRef) ...

And then access the DOM element using:


See here for further information.

Then instead of OnInit , try with AfterViewInit , to make sure the DOM is initialized before running the DOM query -> see here .

You can use template variables and @ViewChild to get hold of a specific element:

<div id="toast_error" #toastError> Error message </div>

@ViewChile('toastError') toastErrorDiv;

ngAfterViewInit() {

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