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Multiple conditional asynchronous recursive functions and jQuery promises

I have a complicate recursive javascript function that worked very well until I needed to start using asynchronous functions (jQuery.ajax in this case). I have included some psuedo-code below that gives the gist of the situation. I would like to implement this code using promises (instead of the current callbacks), but can't work out how to do deal with the recursion and the multiple conditional ajax calls. If I understand promises correctly they allow you to act on the return of an asynchronous call, but how do I deal with the situation below?

function wrapperFunction(success,error) {
    var level = 0;
    result = [];

    var innerFunction = function(info,result,success,error) {

            url: 'baseurl1' + info,
            success: parseData,
            error: error

        function parseData(data) {
            data.forEach( function(item) {

                if ( item.info ) {
                    innerFunction(item.info, result, success, error);

            if ( data.condition ) {
                    url: 'baseurl2' + info,
                    success: parseData2,
                    error: error

            function parseData2(data2) {
                data2.forEach(function(item2) {
                    if ( item2.condition ) {
                            url: 'baseurl3' + info,
                            success: parseData3,
                            error: error
                function parseData3(data3) {
                    if ( data3.condition ) {
                            url: 'baseurl4' + info,
                            success: parseData4,
                            error: error
                    function parseData4(data) {
                        result.push(data2.something + data4.something);

            if (level == 0 && success) {


    innerFunction('rootinfo', result, success, error);   

    function(data) {
        // process success
    function(err) {
        // handle errors

As I said already, this is only pseudo code. I initially extracted it from my real code to see if I could get my head around the actual structure. I know it works if the ajax calls where synchronous, but now they are asynchronous it only sometimes works (depending on how quickly the calls return).

How do I implement this situation using promises?


I have just worked out how to use promises to serialise everything, and though that is one way to wait for everything to finish I rather run multiple calls in parallel and then find a way to wait for everything to finish. I know this is possible with promises, but I don't know how.

I have got it working, with the help of Sandeep Nayak (see comments above). I thought I post the working version of the pseudo code for anyone coming across this post with a similar problem.

I have essentially added two levels of promises (outer and inner), where the outer promise does get resolved if all inner promises are resolved. There is probably scope for tidying up the code, but it works as it stands.

function wrapperFunction(success,error) {
    var level = 0;
    var result = [];
    var outerPromises = [];

    var innerFunction = function(info,result,success,error) {
        var outerPromise = new jQuery.Deferred();
        outerPromises.push( outerPromise );


            url: 'baseurl1' + info,
            success: parseData,
            error: error

        function parseData(data) {
            data.forEach( function(item) {

                if ( item.info ) {
                    innerFunction(item.info, result, success, error);

            if ( data.condition ) {
                    url: 'baseurl2' + info,
                    success: parseData2,
                    error: error
            } else {

            function parseData2(data2) {
                var innerPromises = [];

                data2.forEach(function(item2) {
                    var innerPromise = new jQuery.Deferred();
                    innerPromises.push( innerPromise );

                    if ( item2.condition ) {
                            url: 'baseurl3' + info,
                            success: parseData3,
                            error: error
                    } else {

                    function parseData3(data3) {
                        if ( data3.condition ) {
                                url: 'baseurl4' + info,
                                success: parseData4,
                                error: error
                        } else {
                        function parseData4(data) {
                            result.push(data2.something + data4.something);


                jQuery.when.apply(undefined, innerPromises).then( function() { outerPromise.resolve(); } );

            if (level == 0 && success) {
                jQuery.when.apply(undefined, outerPromises).then( function() { success(result); } );


    innerFunction('rootinfo', result, success, error);   

    function(data) {
        // process success
    function(err) {
        // handle errors

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