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Need help sending email in PHP using Gmail SMTP

So I'm trying to follow the instructions here


to use PHP to send out an email using my gmail account. But when I try to send a test email I get in the web browser this message: Error: could not connect to the host "smtp.gmail.com"

Here is are my two files (with my personal data edited)

Thanks for any help

print "1";
require("sasl.php"); //SASL authentication
$smtp=new smtp_class;
$smtp->host_name="smtp.gmail.com"; // Or IP address
$smtp->user="john@gmail.com"; // SMTP Username
$smtp->password="House22"; // SMTP Password
print "3";
"From: $from",
"To: $to",
"Subject: $subject",
"Date: ".strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
print "Message sent to $to OK."; 
print "Cound not seend the message to $to.\nError: ".$smtp->error;
print "4";


$fn="First Name";
$ln="Last Name";
$name=$fn.' '.$ln;
$subject = "Welcome to Website";
$message = "Dear $name, 
Your Welcome Message.

as per Gmail policy, You cannot use plain password (house22) , you have to use encrypted password(Gh45515HGGujKkkHk5554) , for that you need two way authentication should be enable on your gmail account. and after that, create Application Specific Password and then use that password for your SMTP, I hope that will work for you. here is the link1 Link2

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