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How i can define custom controller in my controller in sap ui?

So we determine what is in the sap core:

], function (Controller,History,JSONModel) 

My sap app id: "sap.ui.test ".

So I want to connect the controller to one that already exists:

], function (Controller,History,JSONModel,TopMenu)

And I get an error: Error: failed to load 'sap/ui/test/webapp/controller/TopMenu.js . Although the road looks like right. Project structure attached in the screenshot.

I can not understand whether it is possible to identify the controller in such a way?


You would have to use

], function (Controller,History,JSONModel,TopMenu)

That's because of the old controller naming convention: Your controllers have to be named ABC.controller.js . The sap.ui.define function searches for files and is not aware of this convention. It does not know that you would like to load a controller this time.


sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller", "sap/ui/core/routing/History", "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel", "sap/ui/test/controller/TopMenu" ], function (Controller,History,JSONModel,TopMenu)

You do not need to tell your app the exact path, you did this already within you Index.html

(something like data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{"sap.ui.test": "sap/ui/test/webapp"}'> )

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