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Perl File::Find::Rule

I am trying to copy just the subfolders' names (non-recursively) into an array using File::Find::Rule . I also want to exclude the directory names which are mentioned in array @exclude_dirs


use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find::Rule;
use Data::Dumper;

my $basedir      = "C:\/Test";
my @exclude_dirs = qw( dir1_excl dir2_excl );

my @subdirs = File::Find::Rule
  # ->name(@exclude_dirs)->prune->discard, File::Find::Rule->new 
    ->in( $basedir );

print Dumper(\@subdirs);

Desired Output

$VAR1 = [

Current Output

$VAR1 = [

What you were trying for:

my @subdirs =

Possible optimization:

my @subdirs =

That said, all you need is the following:

my @subdirs =

All of those return full paths, so you'd need to follow up with

s{^\Q$basedir\E/}{} for @subdirs;

Normally, I'd use FFR instead readdir because using readdir is far longer, far more complex and far more error-prone. But in this case, it's borderline.

my @subdirs;
   my %exclude_dirs = map { $_ => 1 } '.', '..', @exclude_dirs;

   opendir(my $dh, $basedir)
      or die("Can't read dir \"$basedir\": $!\n");

   while (my $fn = readdir($dh)) {
      next if $exclude_dirs{$fn};

      my $qfn = "$basedir/$fn";
      if (!stat($qfn)) {
         warn("Skipping \$qfn\": Can't stat: $!\n");

      push @subdirs, $fn if -d _;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

my $basedir      = "C:/Test";
my @exclude_dirs = qw(. .. dir1_excl dir2_excl);
my $exclude_pat  = join('|', map { quotemeta } @exclude_dirs);

opendir(my $dh, $basedir) or die $!;
my @subdirs = grep { -d "$basedir/$_" && !/^(?:$exclude_pat)\z/i } readdir($dh);

print Dumper(\@subdirs);

If the directories to exclude aren't as dynamic as they seem in your question, there's no need to build the regular expression at runtime:

my @subdirs = grep { -d "$basedir/$_" && !/^(?:\.|\.\.|dir1_excl|dir2_excl)\z/i } readdir($dh);

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